Four Days In Stuttgart
we are interested in the lives of students in Germany , their hobbies and their opinions on the new technoligies (sustainable development).
The lives of students in Germany
The standard of living in Germany is different according to regions.. We can distinguish the old from the new Länder in the East. Studying in Munich or Frankfurt does not entail the same costs as in Berlin or Leipzig. Germany like the trips , the beach , the wine and of fishes. They also love cars, reading and sport .sustainable development
German are very well organized because In Germany, everything is recycled, even nuclear power plants and There are trash cans everywhere in streets . Germany is a world champion in Solar energy .German think that the new technology it is very well, we can take the example of car, we have an innovation in the world of the automobile but the problem is that car is expensive and everybody has no possibility to have.
The linguistic activity was a real challenge because we had asked the strangers in the street . We had to speak in an foreign language and to overcome our shynesses, our fear .which was funny sometimes we re-countered people who do not speak French , nor English thus we owed spoke in German unfortunately none between to speak German but Julien Garcias and me we spoke in Spanish . This game was funny and entertaining but interesting because that allows to communicate in another language.