mercredi 5 juin 2013

Linguistic activity Dimitri et Lucas

                      Linguistic activity

From May 13th to May 16th 2013, 50 students of the classes of sti2d1 and of sti2d2 left their high school to discover Stuttgart during four days. What was on the program: visiting museums and factories, but also doing a linguistic activity in order to communicate in a foreign language.

Our activity : Discovering the favourite food specialities in Stuttgart and asking people about them.

We started taking pictures of different restaurants :

We chose this restaurant because we can eat local specialities.

For the food, we went to a market and we looked for products which we did not have in France :

The other speciality in Stuttgart is the Pretzel:

                  France             ------------------------>           Stuttgart

We found a Pretzel stand with only Pretzels and we had to buy one. It tastes like bread and it's very good.

During our walk in the streets we came across another "Speciality" that we don't have in France called "Fruitbar". It's a stand with fruit only.

As for fast food, Stuttgart is like France. There are McDonald's, Hot Dogs, Kebabs, but the price is different. It's cheaper in Stuttgart.
But it's so different for Kebabs! First of all, the price: it costs two euros in Stuttgart and five euros in France and then,  the look too.

                  France             ------------------------>                      Stuttgart


We stopped a woman on the street to ask her what her favourite speciality was. This woman was funny and spoke really good English.

- "Right, right, right".  She showed us the way to her favourite restaurant with her hand. After that we found her restaurant :

She wrote the name of another speciality on a piece of paper: the Maultaschen. These are large meat-filled ravioli.

Like many countries, Germany has different local food specialities that are part of its history, but you can feel the European influence in a city like Stuttgart where there are many foreign students. So you can find everything you want. Just grab a bite.